
Celebrating 100 (Giveaway)

Episode Description

GIVEAWAY ALERT!!!We hit 100!!! In this special episode, we sit down with Tommy Truong, the host of KayaPush, to celebrate this momentous day.Looking back over our journey, this podcast, with over 3,500 downloads and 25,000 YouTube views, was born from a mission to arm entrepreneurs with the insights needed to navigate and flourish in competitive markets. Whether you’re a startup or looking to scale, hearing from over 80 experts has been designed to trim the time and cost on your path to success.

To kick off, we reflect on the monumental progress within the cannabis industry, particularly the reclassification of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III. This change not only represents a significant societal shift but also offers a tangible financial uplift for businesses within the industry. Tommy weighs in on how these regulatory changes impact operational strategies and open up new opportunities for growth and profitability.

Plus, in celebration of our 100th episode, don’t miss out on our giveaway of a $100 Amazon gift card! Tune in for details on how to enter, and continue supporting us by following KayaPush on LinkedIn and subscribing to the Kaya Cast on your preferred streaming platform.

Whether you are part of our long-time listening community or new to the Kaya Cast family, we want to thank you for all the support over the last 2 years, and stay tuned for many, many more episodes to come.

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Episode Transcript

Tommy: 100 episodes. I can't believe that we're at a hundred episodes ready. We started this podcast almost two years ago on a mission to help entrepreneurs grow and scale their business. I often have this thought experiment. If you take two entrepreneurs, you drop them in the same city at the same time, with the same amount of funding and you visit them five years later, you may see two completely different stories. One entrepreneur. Maybe running a successful multi-million dollar business while the other entrepreneur may be struggling to survive. Why. It all comes down to how effective they are at managing their time and capital.

This podcast was created to dig into the heart of this matter. A great man once said. Only fools learn from their mistakes. Wise men learn from the mistakes of others. And I hope that this podcast is a platform for everyone listening to learn from the mistakes of other people and shave off the time and costs necessary in your pursuit of success. Over the last few years, our podcast has grown to over 3,500 downloads on all major streaming platforms. Over 25,000 views on YouTube growing week, over week. And we've had over 80 guests come on to share their expertise and knowledge. I want to give a huge thank you to everyone listening. The guests that have come on as well as the team behind the scenes who make this all work. Thank you so much for your support.

So many things has happened over the last two years, but my favorite memory by far. Is the reclassification of cannabis from schedule one to schedule three. I know the end goal is for D classification but this is such a huge milestone along the way. We are no longer in the same category as heroin, which is absurd to even think of, and businesses now in this industry can deduct legitimate expenses against their income.

Which is a tremendous financial boost to the industry I no longer have to hear about some wacky 280E strategies and entrepreneurs and how it can just focus on running their business.

So, what can you expect from Kaya Cast in the future? We will continue to drop a new pot every Tuesday. We will continue to stay true to our mission, to help entrepreneurs grow and scale their business. You will most likely see an improvement in our production quality now that Owen has joined the team. And we will dig deeper into areas of the business that I think is important. When scaling your enterprise. To celebrate our 100th episode, we are giving away a $100 Amazon gift card. To enter, follow KayaPush on LinkedIn and like this episode. And subscribed to Kaya Cast on any of the major streaming platforms, apple, Spotify, et cetera. For extra entries, please pause the screen here.

1 extra entry if you follow us on Instagram or Tiktok (@kayacastpodcast)
1 extra entry if you follow us on Instagram or Tiktok (@kayapush)
1 extra entry if you subscribe to our channel on Youtube (@kayacastpodcast)

And head over to LinkedIn and you're all set. I want to give a huge thank you to everyone listening again, without your support. None of this would be possible. And I hope you have fun along your journey to building your enterprise. Until next time, take care.

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